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Earn From Merchant Payments

The broker benefits fromMerchant payments on PayBitoPro extend beyond just transaction commissions; they encompass a range of financial incentives, market positioning advantages, and enhanced user engagement opportunities.

Broker benefits

How brokers can earn and grow their business

Commissions on Merchant Transactions

Revenue from Merchant Fees
Brokers earn a percentage of every transaction processed through the merchant payment system they’ve helped onboard. The more merchants they bring into the PayBitoPro ecosystem, the higher their potential earnings from transaction volumes.
Incentive Model
Each time a customer makes a purchase using cryptocurrency at a participating merchant, the broker earns a commission. This fee is typically derived from the transaction fee that the platform charges the merchant.
With no geographical limits on cryptocurrency payments, brokers can onboard merchants from around the world, creating a broad and scalable revenue stream.

Merchant Acquisition Fees

Onboarding Bonuses

PayBitoPro may offer brokers merchant acquisition bonuses for every new merchant successfully onboarded. These bonuses act as an upfront reward for expanding the platform’s merchant network.

Recurring Income

After onboarding, the broker continues to receive a recurring percentage of transaction fees for the lifetime of the merchant on the platform, creating long-term passive income.

Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities

Access to Other PayBitoPro Features
Once brokers onboard merchants, they can cross-sell other PayBitoPro products like portfolio management or CopyTrading, further boosting their earnings.
For instance
Brokers can offer financial management tools, automated trading strategies, or portfolio diversification advice tailored to businesses accepting crypto.
Customized Solutions
Brokers can upsell tailored services to merchants, such as advanced payment infrastructure, marketing strategies for crypto payments, or liquidity management services.

Increased Trading Volumes

Indirect Trading Benefits

The more merchants that accept cryptocurrency, the more users are likely to spend their crypto holdings. This increased transactional flow in the market translates into higher buy/sell volumes, which boosts activity on the exchange.

Broker’s trading revenues

May rise as merchants cash out their crypto earnings or as users increase their cryptocurrency investments to make payments.

Increased Trading Volumes

Positioning as a Crypto Solutions Provider

Solutions Provider
Consultative Role

Brokers who focus on merchant payments can position themselves as crypto payment experts, offering consultancy services to businesses looking to adopt crypto for their payment needs. This opens up a new revenue stream as businesses may seek their guidance on navigating crypto integration.

Brokers can help merchants understand the benefits of accepting cryptocurrency, assist in setting up wallets, and offer insights on optimizing crypto revenues.

Merchant Retention and Customer Support

Continuous Engagement

Brokers who help merchants successfully navigate the cryptocurrency payment space not only gain an initial commission but also maintain an ongoing relationship. Providing support and customer service to merchants strengthens broker-merchant relationships, leading to long-term retention.

Upgrades and Support

When merchants need to upgrade their payment systems, integrate new crypto features, or adapt to market changes, brokers can offer premium support services, earning additional fees.

Customer Support

Network Effect

Network Effect
Building Merchant Networks

Brokers can leverage their existing merchant relationships to build referral networks. Merchants satisfied with their experience may refer other businesses to the broker, leading to an organic expansion of the broker’s client base.

Local Market Penetration

Brokers can focus on specific regions or industries, becoming the go-to crypto payment solutions provider for businesses within that sector. This niche positioning can lead to monopoly-like advantages in local markets.

This comprehensive array of benefits allows brokers to diversify their income streams, establish strong merchant networks, and play a pivotal role in the global adoption of cryptocurrency payments, all while earning from their contributions to PayBitoPro’s ecosystem.

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